Optimization tip for SCons on cygwin

Do not build many Environment() ! build one, and clone it when you need it. Each time Environment() is built, it prepares for the "mingw" tools, and this calls "gcc --version" and "g++ --version". On cygwin, where forking is extremely slow, this can take ages.


python vient d'être élu Best Programming Language par les lecteurs du Linux Journal.

Ahhhh python....

def python_is_ok(s='do not sux'):
        print s

def python_sux(l={}):
        if 'sux' in l:
                raise Exception('python sux')

python_is_ok() # ok..
python_is_ok() # ok..

python_sux() # OK...
python_sux() # fail..


do not sux
do not sux
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "sux.py", line 13, in <module>
    python_sux() # fail..
  File "sux.py", line 7, in python_sux
    raise Exception('python sux')
Exception: python sux

Ok, ce comportement bizarre est indiqué dans le tutoriel de python, n'empeche que c'est louche.